Flash Card Games
By Andrew Hiben
*Draw the pictures or print out the icons from the book.
*Make them raise the card when I say it "levantalo"
*Make them put them in order. Say them fast but repeat often.
*Make them put them in categories masculine/feminine
*Give them a category and make them find the words that fit.
*Agarralo where they have to grab it before their partner does
*Tell them a story and they have to put them in order.
TPRS flash cards
Start having them draw the stories on flash cards and write a couple
sentences on the back. They quiz their partners in class and it helps them
with the story. They can scramble them up and then have to unscramble the
stories. It's fun for them to compare how they drew the pictures.
By Theresa Thrasher
It works like the old game show. We play in 2 teams. I set up 4 chairs in the front of the
class: 2 back to back and 2 back to back. The moderator (me) has the "password". Each team sends up 2 players. One will give the clues the other will try to guess the vocab word from the clues. All clues must
be in spanish and be one word. The clue man gets to say one word. He is trying to get his partner to say the right word. If the guesser has no idea, they may say "Pasalo" And the other team has a go of it.
Example: el escritorio is the password. Clues could be : profesora,escribir, estudiar, pupitre, silla, clase, casa, computadora.....OR el lapiz: escribir, borrador, amarillo, estudiante, examen, mecanico, arte, matematicas. You get the idea. You can do verbs, nouns, adjectives. I have given a name of a famous person and they had to give
descriptions as clues. Lots of variations possible. The "peanut gallery" can't contribute but often get very involved trying to figure it out at their desks. I let them view their notes and this helps them for when they are the clue man. Often guessers won't get their partner's clues but will key in on the other team's clues to guess it.
When a team guesses, they get the point and each team rotates one player out and one from the team in. ( clue givers become guessers and a new team member becomes the clue giver).
By Mary Ann Sharpe
The kids are in groups of 3 or 4. Each group has a large envelope filled with all the expressions you want to review written in French or English. There are also 5 ZUT cards per envelope. As they pass the envelope around the group, each kid takes out a card at random and does what is called for. If they are correct, they can keep the card. If they are not correct the card goes back in the envelope and the game continues. If, par hasard, they get a ZUT card, all the cards they have earned go back in the envelope and the play continues.
By Mary Ann Sharpe
Make up six paper bags (I just use the large envelopes) each containing a list of English expressions to write in Spanish. The kids are in groups again and have to get to all the 6 bags/envelopes to complete a worksheet each group has. They have to work fast and sometimes the bag they need is not available. First group to have the most complete worksheet wins. Set a time limit.
FLYSWAT (Desk version)
By Nicola Kennedy
The flyswat game that most of us know as an overhead game can be done at a desk between two students. Randomly write the words/terms you want to review on a sheet of normal size paper (this could be written in the target language, or it could be things like " present tense first person singular to love" or whatever. Make sure that the paper is filled and that the words are written at angles etc. similar to the overhead flyswat game.
Instruct students to be in pairs and to have two different color markers/pens. Whoever circles the word on the paper first wins. Do this until 1/2 to 3/4 of the words are circled.
We have contests and competitions with the winners playing each
By Nicola Kennedy
A great way to review is to also set them up in teams of 3. Tell them one piece of paper, decide who will be person one, person two and person three. Number the paper one through 15 or whatever amount of questions you
want to review. First person writes answer to number one passes it to second person. That person looks over answer corrects it, answers question 2, pasess to person 3, person 3 corrects answers from 2 and 1 if necessary and answers question number 3 and the whole cycle begins again. This is a team competition and whoever gets the most right gets jolly ranchers.
By Barbara Haller
This is an end-of-chapter review. It works well because all the students have an incentive to look up the answer when it's not their turn. The kids seem to like it. Also, with the pair system, the struggling students aren't
put on the spot. I will divide the class into 3 teams. Within each team they pair up (if teams are odd-numbered, they will have one soloist-usually someone smart. I will give 3 teams the same question (generally translate from French to
English). The first pair that thinks they have it correct raises their hand.
The other two pairs have 5 seconds to finish. Any team with the correct answers gets 1 point.
If no team gets it right it goes to the next pair in each of the three teams. Now it is worth 2 points.
If still no team has it correct , it passes back to the third set of pairs. Now it's a three-pointer.
You can have your book open, but only if it's not currently your turn. (If it's not your turn,it's in your interest to look up the answer in case the question gets passed to you) You can not discuss answers with anyone but your partner. ( lose 4 points).
Hollywood Squares
By Julie Clack
You write about 30 questions to ask and put up a transparency of 16 or 25 squares in a grid. (depending on how many in a class)Fill in the squares with each student's name. Then once you have talked about seeing hollywood squares on tv and the rules, you remove two names for the contestants (x and o) I give volunteers the extra squares so some kids have 2. You will need to switch out contestants once they win tic tac toe a couple of times in a 40 min period...
Always explain by saying it's ok if you don't know the answer but you have to SAY SOMETHING in Spanish/French so that the x or o may agree or disagree with your response. ( I make them say "agree/disagree in French) They know the only thing they CANNOT say is " I don't know" because how will the contestant agree or disagree with that?
Sounds simple enough - just make sure to point out that the objective for the x or o is tic tac toe- sometimes they get the rules but they don't get that it's tic tac toe. Also, you personally have to be careful of the look on your face when the "squares" respond because we have a tendancy to nod/show if it's right or not and the kids learn to look right at you to figure out whether or not to agree/disagree.
Grab it!
Sandy Shedivy
I print a vocab. sheet on Word with 30 words or pictures or sentences I want to practice and then I print them on 30 pieces of cardstock. The I cut them and put them in snack size baggies so that each student has a baggie. They are to choose 9 words or phrases from the baggie and arrange them on their desk with the words or pictures facing up. This becomes their bingo card. They have to get all 9 to get bingo. I give suckers for a prize when they get bingo. We play up to 3 winners. Then I give a baggie to every two students and they move their 2 desks together. Half of the words go on one desk and half go on the other. Then as I call out the words in English or as I call out the picutures in the target language, they are to grab the right one and set it in a separate pile. I call the game "Grab it!" So they end up grabbing the right card from either their own pile or the other student's pile. The person with more than 15 pairs at the end is the winner. They love this game and never seem to tire of it and I play it for every unit.
4 Corners
Sara Smith
4-corners: In each corner of your classroom you have a large piece of paper with words or a drawing on it. You close your eyes and count down from 10 while the kids shuffle to new corner. Then before opening your eyes you call out a corner (each corner is labeled). You open your eyes and call out the word and the first person to point to it wins and all the other students sit down. If no one in the corner gets the word correct then turn to the crowd. If someone from the crowd gets it correct, everyone else sits out. Note-Not everyone gets to practice but it does get some of the energy out
Lisa Botts
The students get into a big circle, and I randomly choose a student and say a vocab word in English (IE "court"). That student translates the word ("cancha") and then the following 6 students (because there are 6 letters in that word) spell it in Spanish letter by letter.
If a students states the wrong letter, he/she must sit down and watch the rest of the game. Once the final letter of the word has been stated, the next student has to repeat the Spanish word...and then between the NEXT 2 students, whomever says "Brillo" first gets to stay in the game and the other student sits down. Then a new word in started in the next spot in the circle.
You keep playing until the last one is standing. It is a game that requires
concentration- students will ask where we are, and I have trained them to not say anything when this happens, or to say "Yo no se."
Brigitte Storey
Divide class into two equal teams. If you have an uneven number use some to help keep score.
You need a list of 20 questions. List numbers 1-20 on the board to represent the questions.
First person on team A gets to pick the 1st question, let's say she/he
picks #5. You will now ask team B the question #5 and it is crossed
off the board. On team B, everyone who knows the answer stands up, as
well as anyone who wants to bluff that they know the answer. THEY MAY
NOT TALK. The person from team A who had picked the #, now gets to
choose, who on team B has to answer. If that person has the correct
answer, team B will get as many points as there were people who stood
up (incl. the bluffers, who are unknown). If the person who gets
picked to answer, was someone who bluffed, or they just didn't know
the correct answer, team B will get MINUS the number of people who
stood. Play now switches to the other side. First person on team B gets to
pick a question, and so on. Important to explain, that there can be no retaliation for bluffing,
as that is what makes the game fun and unpredictable.
I didn't make this up, found it many years ago somewhere. Thanks to
the original creator, whoever that may be.
Comments (3)
edeyamport said
at 12:23 pm on Dec 27, 2010
Here are some great sites with collections of games for various proficiency levels. Enjoy! You can download templates to games on this site.
Diego Ojeda said
at 10:56 am on Jan 16, 2012
Hi Elle,
The links won't work. :(
Diego Ojeda said
at 10:56 am on Jan 16, 2012
Hi Elle,
The links won't work :(
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